Source code for cf_xarray.accessor

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import re
from collections import ChainMap, namedtuple
from import Hashable, Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

import xarray as xr
from xarray import DataArray, Dataset
from xarray.core.arithmetic import SupportsArithmetic
from xarray.core.groupby import GroupBy
from xarray.core.resample import Resample
from xarray.core.rolling import Coarsen, Rolling
from xarray.core.weighted import Weighted

from . import sgrid
from .criteria import (
from .formatting import (
    # _format_conventions,
from .helpers import _guess_bounds_1d, _guess_bounds_2d, bounds_to_vertices
from .options import OPTIONS
from .utils import (

FlagParam = namedtuple("FlagParam", ["flag_mask", "flag_value"])

#: Classes wrapped by cf_xarray.
_WRAPPED_CLASSES = (Resample, GroupBy, Rolling, Coarsen, Weighted)

#:  ``axis`` names understood by cf_xarray
_AXIS_NAMES = ("X", "Y", "Z", "T")

#:  ``coordinate`` types understood by cf_xarray.
_COORD_NAMES = ("longitude", "latitude", "vertical", "time")

#:  Cell measures understood by cf_xarray.
_CELL_MEASURES = ("area", "volume")

    "X": {"axis": "X"},
    "T": {"axis": "T", "standard_name": "time"},
    "Y": {"axis": "Y"},
    "Z": {"axis": "Z"},
    "latitude": {"units": "degrees_north", "standard_name": "latitude"},
    "longitude": {"units": "degrees_east", "standard_name": "longitude"},
ATTRS["time"] = ATTRS["T"]
ATTRS["vertical"] = ATTRS["Z"]

# Type for Mapper functions
Mapper = Callable[[Union[DataArray, Dataset], Hashable], list[Hashable]]

# Type for decorators
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])

def sort_maybe_hashable(iterable: Iterable[Hashable]) -> list[Hashable]:
    only_str: list[str] = [elem for elem in iterable if isinstance(elem, str)]
    non_str: list[Hashable] = [elem for elem in iterable if not isinstance(elem, str)]
    return sorted(only_str) + non_str

def apply_mapper(
    mappers: Mapper | tuple[Mapper, ...],
    obj: DataArray | Dataset,
    key: Hashable,
    error: bool = True,
    default: Any = None,
) -> list[Any]:
    Applies a mapping function; does error handling / returning defaults.

    Expects the mapper function to raise an error if passed a bad key.
    It should return a list in all other cases including when there are no
    results for a good key.

    if not isinstance(key, Hashable):
        if default is None:  # type: ignore[unreachable]
            raise ValueError(
                "`default` must be provided when `key` is not not a valid DataArray name (of hashable type)."
        return list(always_iterable(default))

    default = [] if default is None else list(always_iterable(default))

    def _apply_single_mapper(mapper):
            results = mapper(obj, key)
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
            if error or "I expected only one." in repr(e):
                raise e
                results = []
        return results

    if not isinstance(mappers, Iterable):
        mappers = (mappers,)

    # apply a sequence of mappers
    # if the mapper fails, it *should* return an empty list
    # if the mapper raises an error, that is processed based on `error`
    results = []
    for mapper in mappers:

    flat = list(itertools.chain(*results))
    # de-duplicate
    if all(not isinstance(r, DataArray) for r in flat):
        results = list(set(flat))
        results = flat

    nresults = any(bool(v) for v in [results])
    if not nresults:
        if error:
            raise KeyError(
                f"cf-xarray cannot interpret key {key!r}. Perhaps some needed attributes are missing."
            # none of the mappers worked. Return the default
            return default
    return results

[docs] def _get_groupby_time_accessor( obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable ) -> list[Hashable]: # This first docstring is used by _build_docstring. Do not remove. """ Time variable accessor e.g. 'T.month' """ """ Helper method for decoding datetime components "T.month". Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset DataArray belonging to the coordinate to be checked key : str, [e.g. "T.month"] key to check for. Returns ------- List[str], Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that matches axis or coordinate `key` appended by the frequency extension (e.g. ".month") Notes ----- Returns an empty list if there is no frequency extension specified. """ assert isinstance(key, str) if "." in key: key, ext = key.split(".", 1) results = apply_mapper((_get_all,), obj, key, error=False) if len(results) > 1: raise KeyError(f"Multiple results received for {key}.") var = results[0] if not isinstance(var, str): raise KeyError(f"Resolved {key} to {var} but {var} is not a string.") return [var + "." + ext] else: return []
[docs] def _get_custom_criteria( obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable, criteria: Mapping | None = None ) -> list[Hashable]: """ Translate from axis, coord, or custom name to variable name. Optionally use ``custom_criteria``. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset key : str key to check for. criteria : dict, optional Criteria to use to map from variable to attributes describing the variable. An example is coordinate_criteria which maps coordinates to their attributes and attribute values. If user has defined custom_criteria, this will be used by default. Returns ------- List[str] Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that matches axis, coordinate, or custom ``key`` """ try: from regex import match as regex_match except ImportError: from re import match as regex_match # type: ignore[no-redef] if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj = obj._to_temp_dataset() variables = obj._variables if criteria is None: if not OPTIONS["custom_criteria"]: return [] criteria = OPTIONS["custom_criteria"] if criteria is not None: criteria_iter = always_iterable(criteria, allowed=(tuple, list, set)) criteria_map = ChainMap(*criteria_iter) results: set = set() if key in criteria_map: for criterion, patterns in criteria_map[key].items(): for var in variables: if regex_match(patterns, variables[var].attrs.get(criterion, "")): results.update((var,)) # also check name specifically since not in attributes elif ( criterion == "name" and isinstance(var, str) and regex_match(patterns, var) ): results.update((var,)) return list(results)
[docs] def _get_axis_coord(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: str) -> list[str]: """ Translate from axis or coord name to variable name. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset DataArray belonging to the coordinate to be checked key : str, ["X", "Y", "Z", "T", "longitude", "latitude", "vertical", "time"] key to check for. Returns ------- List[str] Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that matches axis or coordinate ``key``. Notes ----- This functions checks for the following attributes in order - `standard_name` (CF option) - `_CoordinateAxisType` (from THREDDS) - `axis` (CF option) - `positive` (CF standard for non-pressure vertical coordinate) References ---------- MetPy's parse_cf """ valid_keys = _COORD_NAMES + _AXIS_NAMES if key not in valid_keys: raise KeyError( f"cf_xarray did not understand key {key!r}. Expected one of {valid_keys!r}" ) crds = obj.coords crd_names = set(crds) search_in = set() attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(obj.attrs, obj.encoding) coordinates = attrs_or_encoding.get("coordinates", None) # Handles case where the coordinates attribute is None # This is used to tell xarray to not write a coordinates attribute if coordinates: search_in.update(coordinates.split(" ")) if not search_in: search_in = crd_names # maybe only do this for key in _AXIS_NAMES? if obj._indexes: search_in.update(obj._indexes) search_in = search_in & crd_names results: set = set() for coord in search_in: var = crds[coord] if key in coordinate_criteria: for criterion, expected in coordinate_criteria[key].items(): if var.attrs.get(criterion, None) in expected: results.update((coord,)) if criterion == "units": # deal with pint-backed objects units = getattr(, "units", None) if units in expected: results.update((coord,)) if key in ["X", "Y", "Z"] and "grid_topology" in sgrid_axes = sgrid.parse_axes(obj) results.update((search_in | set(obj.dims)) & sgrid_axes[key]) return list(results)
[docs] def _get_measure(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: str) -> list[str]: """ Translate from cell measures to appropriate variable name. This function interprets the ``cell_measures`` attribute on DataArrays. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset DataArray belonging to the coordinate to be checked key : str key to check for. Returns ------- List[str] Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that matches axis or coordinate `key` """ if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj = obj._to_temp_dataset() results = set() for var in obj._variables.values(): attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(var.attrs, var.encoding) if "cell_measures" in attrs_or_encoding: attr = attrs_or_encoding["cell_measures"] try: measures = parse_cell_methods_attr(attr) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"{var} has malformed cell_measures attribute {attr}." ) from e if key in measures: results.update([measures[key]]) return list(results)
[docs] def _get_bounds(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[Hashable]: """ Translate from key (either CF key or variable name) to its bounds' variable names. This function interprets the ``bounds`` attribute on DataArrays. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset DataArray belonging to the coordinate to be checked key : str key to check for. Returns ------- List[str] Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that are bounds of `key` """ if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj = obj._to_temp_dataset() variables = obj._variables results = set() for var in apply_mapper(_get_all, obj, key, error=False, default=[key]): attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(variables[var].attrs, variables[var].encoding) if "bounds" in attrs_or_encoding: results |= {attrs_or_encoding["bounds"]} return list(results)
def _get_grid_mapping_name(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: str) -> list[str]: """ Translate from grid mapping name attribute to appropriate variable name. This function interprets the ``grid_mapping`` attribute on DataArrays. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset DataArray belonging to the coordinate to be checked. key : str key to check for. Returns ------- List[str] Variable name(s) in parent xarray object that matches grid_mapping_name `key` """ if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj = obj._to_temp_dataset() variables = obj._variables results = set() for var in variables.values(): attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(var.attrs, var.encoding) if "grid_mapping" in attrs_or_encoding: grid_mapping_var_name = attrs_or_encoding["grid_mapping"] if grid_mapping_var_name not in variables: raise ValueError( f"{var} defines non-existing grid_mapping variable {grid_mapping_var_name}." ) if key == variables[grid_mapping_var_name].attrs["grid_mapping_name"]: results.update([grid_mapping_var_name]) return list(results)
[docs] def _get_with_standard_name( obj: DataArray | Dataset, name: None | Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] ) -> list[Hashable]: """ Get list of variable names with standard name == name. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset Object to check name : Hashable, Iterable[Hashable], optional Standard name """ if name is None: return [] varnames: list[Hashable] = [] if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj = obj.coords.to_dataset() for vname, var in obj._variables.items(): stdname = var.attrs.get("standard_name", None) if stdname == name: varnames.append(vname) return varnames
[docs] def _get_all(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[Hashable]: """ One or more of ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'vertical', 'time', 'area', 'volume'), or arbitrary measures, or standard names """ all_mappers: tuple[Mapper] = ( _get_custom_criteria, functools.partial(_get_custom_criteria, criteria=cf_role_criteria), # type: ignore[assignment] functools.partial(_get_custom_criteria, criteria=grid_mapping_var_criteria), _get_axis_coord, _get_measure, _get_grid_mapping_name, _get_with_standard_name, ) results = apply_mapper(all_mappers, obj, key, error=False, default=None) return results
[docs] def _get_dims(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[Hashable]: """ One or more of ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'vertical', 'time', 'area', 'volume'), or arbitrary measures, or standard names present in .dims """ return [k for k in _get_all(obj, key) if k in obj.dims]
[docs] def _get_indexes(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[Hashable]: """ One or more of ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'vertical', 'time', 'area', 'volume'), or arbitrary measures, or standard names present in .indexes """ return [k for k in _get_all(obj, key) if k in obj._indexes]
[docs] def _get_coords(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[Hashable]: """ One or more of ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'vertical', 'time', 'area', 'volume'), or arbitrary measures, or standard names present in .coords """ return [k for k in _get_all(obj, key) if k in obj.coords or k in obj.dims]
def _variables(func: F) -> F: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable) -> list[DataArray]: return [obj[k] for k in func(obj, key)] # type: ignore[misc] return cast(F, wrapper) def _single(func: F) -> F: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(obj: DataArray | Dataset, key: Hashable): results = func(obj, key) if len(results) > 1: raise KeyError( f"Multiple results for {key!r} found: {results!r}. I expected only one." ) elif len(results) == 0: raise KeyError(f"No results found for {key!r}.") return results wrapper.__doc__ = ( func.__doc__.replace("One or more of", "One of") if func.__doc__ else func.__doc__ ) return cast(F, wrapper) #: Default mappers for common keys. _DEFAULT_KEY_MAPPERS: Mapping[str, tuple[Mapper, ...]] = { "dim": (_get_dims,), "dims": (_get_dims,), # transpose "drop_dims": (_get_dims,), # drop_dims "dims_dict": (_get_dims,), # swap_dims, rename_dims "shifts": (_get_dims,), # shift, roll "pad_width": (_get_dims,), # shift, roll "names": (_get_all,), # set_coords, reset_coords, drop_vars "name_dict": (_get_all,), # rename, rename_vars "new_name_or_name_dict": (_get_all,), # rename "labels": (_get_indexes,), # drop_sel "coords": (_get_dims,), # interp "indexers": (_get_dims,), # sel, isel, reindex # "indexes": (_single(_get_dims),), # set_index this decodes keys but not values "dims_or_levels": (_get_dims,), # reset_index "window": (_get_dims,), # rolling_exp "coord": (_single(_get_coords),), # differentiate, integrate "group": (_single(_get_all), _get_groupby_time_accessor), # groupby "indexer": (_single(_get_indexes),), # resample "variables": (_get_all,), # sortby "weights": (_variables(_single(_get_all)),), "chunks": (_get_dims,), # chunk } def _guess_bounds(da, dim=None, out_dim="bounds"): """ Guess bounds values given a 1D or 2D coordinate variable. Assumes equal spacing on either side of the coordinate label. This is a coarse approximation, especially for 2D bounds on curvilinear grids. """ if dim is None: if da.ndim not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError( f"If dim is None, variable {} must be 1D or 2D. Received {da.ndim}D variable instead." ) dim = da.dims if not isinstance(dim, str): if len(dim) > 2: raise NotImplementedError( "Adding bounds with more than 2 dimensions is not supported." ) elif len(dim) == 2: return _guess_bounds_2d(da, dim).rename(bounds=out_dim) else: dim = dim[0] return _guess_bounds_1d(da, dim).rename(bounds=out_dim) def _build_docstring(func): """ Build a nice docstring for wrapped functions stating all valid kwargs. """ sig = inspect.signature(func) string = "" for k in set(sig.parameters.keys()) & set(_DEFAULT_KEY_MAPPERS): mappers = _DEFAULT_KEY_MAPPERS.get(k, []) docstring = ";\n\t\t\t".join( mapper.__doc__ if mapper.__doc__ else "unknown. please open an issue." for mapper in mappers ) string += f"\t\t{k}: {docstring} \n" for param in sig.parameters: if sig.parameters[param].kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: string += f"\t\t{param}: {_get_all.__doc__} \n\n" return ( f"\n\tThe following arguments will be processed by cf_xarray: \n{string}" "\n\t----\n\t" )
[docs] def _getattr( obj: DataArray | Dataset, attr: str, accessor: CFAccessor, key_mappers: Mapping[str, Mapper], wrap_classes: bool = False, extra_decorator: Callable | None = None, ): """ Common getattr functionality. Parameters ---------- obj : DataArray, Dataset attr : Name of attribute in obj that will be shadowed. accessor : High level accessor object: CFAccessor key_mappers : dict dict(key_name: mapper) wrap_classes : bool Should we wrap the return value with _CFWrappedClass? Only True for the high level CFAccessor. Facilitates code reuse for _CFWrappedClass and _CFWrapppedPlotMethods For both of those, wrap_classes is False. extra_decorator : Callable (optional) An extra decorator, if necessary. This is used by _CFPlotMethods to set default kwargs based on CF attributes. """ # UGH. this seems unavoidable because I'm overriding getattr if attr in ["_repr_html_", "__rich__", "__rich_console__"]: raise AttributeError try: attribute: Mapping | Callable = getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: if getattr( CFDatasetAccessor if isinstance(obj, DataArray) else CFDataArrayAccessor, attr, None, ): raise AttributeError( f"{obj.__class__.__name__+'.cf'!r} object has no attribute {attr!r}" ) from None raise AttributeError( f"{attr!r} is not a valid attribute on the underlying xarray object." ) from None if isinstance(attribute, Mapping): if not attribute: return dict(attribute) newmap = {} inverted = invert_mappings( accessor.axes, accessor.coordinates, accessor.cell_measures, accessor.standard_names, ) unused_keys = set(attribute.keys()) - set(inverted) for key, value in attribute.items(): for name in inverted[key]: if name in newmap: raise AttributeError( f"cf_xarray can't wrap attribute {attr!r} because there are multiple values for {name!r}. " f"There is no unique mapping from {name!r} to a value in {attr!r}." ) newmap.update(dict.fromkeys(inverted[key], value)) newmap.update({key: attribute[key] for key in unused_keys}) skip: dict[str, list[Literal["coords", "measures"]] | None] = { "data_vars": ["coords"], "coords": None, } if attr in ["coords", "data_vars"]: for key in newmap: newmap[key] = _getitem(accessor, key, skip=skip[attr]) return newmap elif isinstance(attribute, Callable): # type: ignore[arg-type] func: Callable = attribute else: raise AttributeError( f"cf_xarray does not know how to wrap attribute '{type(obj).__name__}.{attr}'. " "Please file an issue if you have a solution." ) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): posargs, arguments = accessor._process_signature( func, args, kwargs, key_mappers ) final_func = extra_decorator(func) if extra_decorator else func result = final_func(*posargs, **arguments) if wrap_classes and isinstance(result, _WRAPPED_CLASSES): result = _CFWrappedClass(result, accessor) return result # handle rich if wrapper.__doc__: wrapper.__doc__ = _build_docstring(func) + wrapper.__doc__ return wrapper
@overload def _getitem( accessor: CFAccessor, key: Hashable, skip: list[Literal["coords", "measures"]] | None = None, ) -> DataArray: ... @overload def _getitem( accessor: CFAccessor, key: Iterable[Hashable], skip: list[Literal["coords", "measures"]] | None = None, ) -> Dataset: ...
[docs] def _getitem( accessor: CFAccessor, key: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable], skip: list[Literal["coords", "measures"]] | None = None, ): """ Index into obj using key. Attaches CF associated variables. Parameters ---------- accessor : CFAccessor key : str, List[str] skip : str, optional One of ["coords", "measures"], avoid clashes with special coord names. """ obj = accessor._obj all_bounds = if isinstance(obj, Dataset) else {} kind = str(type(obj).__name__) scalar_key = isinstance(key, Hashable) key_iter: Iterable[Hashable] if isinstance(key, Hashable): # using scalar_key breaks mypy type narrowing key_iter = (key,) else: key_iter = key if skip is None: skip = [] def drop_bounds(names): # sometimes bounds variables have the same standard_name as the # actual variable. It seems practical to ignore them when indexing # with a scalar key. Hopefully these will soon get decoded to IntervalIndex # and we can move on... if not isinstance(obj, DataArray) and scalar_key: bounds = set() for name in names: bounds.update(all_bounds.get(name, [])) names = set(names) - bounds return names def check_results(names, key): if scalar_key and len(names) > 1: raise KeyError( f"Receive multiple variables for key {key!r}: {names}. " f"Expected only one. Please pass a list [{key!r}] " f"instead to get all variables matching {key!r}." ) try: measures = accessor._get_all_cell_measures() except ValueError: measures = [] emit_user_level_warning("Ignoring bad cell_measures attribute.", UserWarning) if isinstance(obj, Dataset): grid_mapping_names = list(accessor.grid_mapping_names) else: try: grid_mapping_names = [accessor.grid_mapping_name] except ValueError: grid_mapping_names = [] grid_mapping_names.append("grid_mapping") custom_criteria = ChainMap(*OPTIONS["custom_criteria"]) varnames: list[Hashable] = [] coords: list[Hashable] = [] successful = dict.fromkeys(key_iter, False) for k in key_iter: if "coords" not in skip and k in _AXIS_NAMES + _COORD_NAMES: names = _get_all(obj, k) names = drop_bounds(names) check_results(names, k) successful[k] = bool(names) coords.extend(names) elif "measures" not in skip and k in measures: measure = _get_all(obj, k) check_results(measure, k) successful[k] = bool(measure) if measure: varnames.extend(measure) elif "grid_mapping_names" not in skip and k in grid_mapping_names: grid_mapping = _get_all(obj, k) check_results(grid_mapping, k) successful[k] = bool(grid_mapping) if grid_mapping: varnames.extend(grid_mapping) elif k in custom_criteria or k in cf_role_criteria: names = _get_all(obj, k) check_results(names, k) successful[k] = bool(names) varnames.extend(names) else: stdnames = set(_get_with_standard_name(obj, k)) objcoords = set(obj.coords) stdnames = drop_bounds(stdnames) if "coords" in skip: stdnames -= objcoords check_results(stdnames, k) successful[k] = bool(stdnames) varnames.extend(stdnames - objcoords) coords.extend(stdnames & objcoords) # these are not special names but could be variable names in underlying object # we allow this so that we can return variables with appropriate CF auxiliary variables varnames.extend([k for k, v in successful.items() if not v]) allnames = varnames + coords try: for name in allnames: extravars = accessor.get_associated_variable_names( name, skip_bounds=scalar_key, error=False ) coords.extend(itertools.chain(*extravars.values())) ds: Dataset if isinstance(obj, DataArray): ds = obj._to_temp_dataset() else: ds = obj if scalar_key: if len(allnames) == 1: (name,) = allnames da: DataArray = ds.reset_coords()[name] if name in coords: coords.remove(name) for k1 in coords: var = ds.variables[k1] if set(var.dims) <= set(da.dims): da.coords[k1] = ds.variables[k1] return da else: raise KeyError( f"Received scalar key {key!r} but multiple results: {allnames!r}. " f"Please pass a list instead (['{key}']) to get back a Dataset " f"with {allnames!r}." ) ds = ds.reset_coords()[varnames + coords] if isinstance(obj, DataArray): if scalar_key: if len(ds.variables) == 1: # type: ignore[unreachable] # single dimension coordinates assert coords assert not varnames return ds[coords[0]] else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not sure what to return when given scalar key for DataArray and it has multiple values. " "Please open an issue." ) return ds.set_coords(coords) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{kind}.cf does not understand the key {k!r}. " f"Use 'repr({kind}.cf)' (or '{kind}.cf' in a Jupyter environment) to see a list of key names that can be interpreted." ) from None
def _possible_x_y_plot(obj, key, skip=None): """Guesses a name for an x/y variable if possible.""" # in priority order x_criteria = [ ("coordinates", "longitude"), ("axes", "X"), ("coordinates", "time"), ("axes", "T"), ] y_criteria = [ ("coordinates", "vertical"), ("axes", "Z"), ("coordinates", "latitude"), ("axes", "Y"), ] def _get_possible(accessor, criteria): # is_scalar depends on NON_NUMPY_SUPPORTED_TYPES # importing a private function seems better than # maintaining that variable! from xarray.core.utils import is_scalar for attr, key in criteria: values = getattr(accessor, attr).get(key) ax_coord_name = getattr(accessor, attr).get(key) if not values: continue elif ax_coord_name: values = [v for v in values if v in ax_coord_name] if skip is not None: skipvar =[skip] bad_names = (skip, bad_dims = ((skip,), skipvar.dims) values = [ v for v in values if v not in bad_names and obj[v].dims not in bad_dims ] if len(values) == 1 and not is_scalar(accessor._obj[values[0]]): return values[0] else: for v in values: if not is_scalar(accessor._obj[v]): return v return None if key == "x": return _get_possible(, x_criteria) elif key == "y": return _get_possible(, y_criteria)
[docs] class _CFWrappedClass(SupportsArithmetic): """ This class is used to wrap any class in _WRAPPED_CLASSES. """ def __init__(self, towrap, accessor: CFAccessor): """ Parameters ---------- towrap : Resample, GroupBy, Coarsen, Rolling, Weighted Instance of xarray class that is being wrapped. accessor : CFAccessor Parent accessor object """ self.wrapped = towrap self.accessor = accessor def __repr__(self): return "--- CF-xarray wrapped \n" + repr(self.wrapped) def __getattr__(self, attr): return _getattr( obj=self.wrapped, attr=attr, accessor=self.accessor, key_mappers=_DEFAULT_KEY_MAPPERS, ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.wrapped)
[docs] class _CFWrappedPlotMethods: """ This class wraps DataArray.plot """ def __init__(self, obj, accessor): self._obj = obj self.accessor = accessor self._keys = ("x", "y", "hue", "col", "row")
[docs] def _process_x_or_y(self, kwargs, key, skip=None): """Choose a default 'x' or 'y' variable name.""" if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = _possible_x_y_plot(self._obj, key, skip) return kwargs
[docs] def _set_axis_props(self, kwargs, key): value = kwargs.get(key) if value: if value in self.accessor.keys(): var = self.accessor[value] else: var = self._obj[value] if "positive" in var.attrs: if var.attrs["positive"] == "down": kwargs.setdefault(f"{key}increase", False) else: kwargs.setdefault(f"{key}increase", True) return kwargs
[docs] def _plot_decorator(self, func): """ This decorator is used to set default kwargs on plotting functions. For now, this can 1. set ``xincrease`` and ``yincrease``. 2. automatically set ``x`` or ``y``. """ @functools.wraps(func) def _plot_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # First choose 'x' or 'y' if possible is_line_plot = (func.__name__ == "line") or ( func.__name__ == "wrapper" and (kwargs.get("hue") or self._obj.ndim == 1) ) if is_line_plot: hue = kwargs.get("hue") if "x" not in kwargs and "y" not in kwargs: kwargs = self._process_x_or_y(kwargs, "x", skip=hue) if not kwargs.get("x"): kwargs = self._process_x_or_y(kwargs, "y", skip=hue) else: kwargs = self._process_x_or_y(kwargs, "x", skip=kwargs.get("y")) kwargs = self._process_x_or_y(kwargs, "y", skip=kwargs.get("x")) # Now set some nice properties kwargs = self._set_axis_props(kwargs, "x") kwargs = self._set_axis_props(kwargs, "y") return func(*args, **kwargs) return _plot_wrapper
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Allows .plot() """ plot = _getattr( obj=self._obj, attr="plot", accessor=self.accessor, key_mappers=dict.fromkeys(self._keys, (_single(_get_all),)), ) return self._plot_decorator(plot)(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Wraps .plot.contour() for example. """ return _getattr( obj=self._obj.plot, attr=attr, accessor=self.accessor, key_mappers=dict.fromkeys(self._keys, (_single(_get_all),)), # TODO: "extra_decorator" is more complex than I would like it to be. # Not sure if there is a better way though extra_decorator=self._plot_decorator, )
def create_flag_dict(da) -> Mapping[Hashable, FlagParam]: """ Return possible flag meanings and associated bitmask/values. The mapping values are a tuple containing a bitmask and a value. Either can be None. If only a bitmask: Independent flags. If only a value: Mutually exclusive flags. If both: Mix of independent and mutually exclusive flags. """ if not raise ValueError( "Comparisons are only supported for DataArrays that represent " "CF flag variables. .attrs must contain 'flag_meanings' and " "'flag_values' or 'flag_masks'." ) flag_meanings = da.attrs["flag_meanings"].split(" ") n_flag = len(flag_meanings) flag_values = da.attrs.get("flag_values", [None] * n_flag) flag_masks = da.attrs.get("flag_masks", [None] * n_flag) if not (n_flag == len(flag_values) == len(flag_masks)): raise ValueError( "Not as many flag meanings as values or masks. " "Please check the flag_meanings, flag_values, flag_masks attributes " ) flag_params = tuple( FlagParam(mask, value) for mask, value in zip(flag_masks, flag_values) ) return dict(zip(flag_meanings, flag_params))
[docs] class CFAccessor: """ Common Dataset and DataArray accessor functionality. """ def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj self._all_cell_measures = None def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d
[docs] def _assert_valid_other_comparison(self, other): # TODO cache this property flag_dict = create_flag_dict(self._obj) if other not in flag_dict: raise ValueError( f"Did not find flag value meaning [{other}] in known flag meanings: [{flag_dict.keys()!r}]" ) if flag_dict[other].flag_mask is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Only equals and not-equals comparisons with flag masks are supported." " Please open an issue." ) return flag_dict
def __eq__(self, other) -> DataArray: # type: ignore[override] """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if the two DataArrays are equal. """ return self._extract_flags([other])[other].rename( def __ne__(self, other) -> DataArray: # type: ignore[override] """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if the two DataArrays are not equal. """ return ~self._extract_flags([other])[other].rename( def __lt__(self, other) -> DataArray: """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if self is less than other. """ flag_dict = self._assert_valid_other_comparison(other) return self._obj < flag_dict[other].flag_value def __le__(self, other) -> DataArray: """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if self is less than or equal to other. """ flag_dict = self._assert_valid_other_comparison(other) return self._obj <= flag_dict[other].flag_value def __gt__(self, other) -> DataArray: """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if self is greater than other. """ flag_dict = self._assert_valid_other_comparison(other) return self._obj > flag_dict[other].flag_value def __ge__(self, other) -> DataArray: """ Compare flag values against ``other``. ``other`` must be in the 'flag_meanings' attribute. ``other`` is mapped to the corresponding value in the 'flag_values' attribute, and then compared. Parameters ---------- other : DataArray DataArray to compare to. Returns ------- bool True if self is greater than or equal to other. """ flag_dict = self._assert_valid_other_comparison(other) return self._obj >= flag_dict[other].flag_value
[docs] def isin(self, test_elements) -> DataArray: """ Test each value in the array for whether it is in test_elements. Parameters ---------- test_elements : array_like, 1D The values against which to test each value of ``element``. These must be in "flag_meanings" attribute, and are mapped to the corresponding value in "flag_values" before passing that on to `DataArray.isin`. Returns ------- DataArray Has the same type and shape as this object, but with a bool dtype. """ if not isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): raise ValueError( ".cf.isin is only supported on DataArrays that contain CF flag attributes." ) # TODO cache this property flag_dict = create_flag_dict(self._obj) mapped_test_elements = [] for elem in test_elements: if elem not in flag_dict: raise ValueError( f"Did not find flag value meaning [{elem}] in known flag meanings: [{flag_dict.keys()!r}]" ) mapped_test_elements.append(flag_dict[elem].flag_value) return self._obj.isin(mapped_test_elements)
[docs] def _drop_missing_variables(self, variables: list[Hashable]) -> list[Hashable]: if isinstance(self._obj, Dataset): good_names = set(self._obj._variables) elif isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): good_names = set(self._obj._coords) return [var for var in variables if var in good_names]
[docs] def _get_all_cell_measures(self): """ Get all cell measures defined in the object, adding CF pre-defined measures. """ # get all_cell_measures only once if not self._all_cell_measures: self._all_cell_measures = set(_CELL_MEASURES + tuple(self.cell_measures)) return self._all_cell_measures
[docs] def curvefit( self, coords: Hashable | DataArray | Iterable[Hashable | DataArray], func: Callable[..., Any], reduce_dims: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] | None = None, skipna: bool = True, p0: dict[str, Any] | None = None, bounds: dict[str, Any] | None = None, param_names: Sequence[str] | None = None, kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ): if coords is not None: if isinstance(coords, (Hashable, DataArray)): coords_iter: Iterable[Hashable | DataArray] = [coords] else: coords_iter = coords coords = [ apply_mapper( [_single(_get_coords)], self._obj, v, error=False, default=[v] # type: ignore[arg-type] )[0] for v in coords_iter ] if reduce_dims is not None: if isinstance(reduce_dims, Hashable): reduce_dims_iter = [reduce_dims] else: reduce_dims_iter = list(reduce_dims) reduce_dims = [ apply_mapper( [_single(_get_dims)], self._obj, v, error=False, default=[v] # type: ignore[arg-type] )[0] for v in reduce_dims_iter ] return self._obj.curvefit( coords=coords, func=func, reduce_dims=reduce_dims, skipna=skipna, p0=p0, bounds=bounds, param_names=param_names, kwargs=kwargs, )
[docs] def _process_signature( self, func: Callable, args, kwargs, key_mappers: MutableMapping[str, tuple[Mapper, ...]], ): """ Processes a function's signature args, kwargs. 1. Binds ``*args`` so that everything is a Mapping from kwarg name to values 2. Calls ``_rewrite_values`` to rewrite any special CF names to normal xarray names. This uses ``key_mappers``. 3. Unpacks arguments if necessary before returning them. """ sig = inspect.signature(func, follow_wrapped=True) # Catch things like .isel(T=5). # This assigns indexers_kwargs=dict(T=5). # and indexers_kwargs is of kind VAR_KEYWORD var_kws: list = [] # capture *args, e.g. transpose var_args: list = [] for param in sig.parameters: if sig.parameters[param].kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: var_kws.append(param) elif sig.parameters[param].kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: var_args.append(param) posargs = [] if args or kwargs: bound = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) arguments = self._rewrite_values( bound.arguments, key_mappers, tuple(var_kws) ) # unwrap the *args type arguments for arg in var_args: value = arguments.pop(arg, None) if value: # value should always be Iterable posargs.extend(value) # now unwrap the **kwargs type arguments for kw in var_kws: value = arguments.pop(kw, None) if value: arguments.update(**value) else: arguments = {} return posargs, arguments
[docs] def _rewrite_values( self, kwargs, key_mappers: MutableMapping[str, tuple[Mapper, ...]], var_kws: tuple[str, ...], ): """ Rewrites the values in a Mapping from kwarg to value. Parameters ---------- kwargs : Mapping Mapping from kwarg name to value key_mappers : Mapping Mapping from kwarg name to a Mapper function that will convert a given CF "special" name to an xarray name. var_kws : List[str] List of variable kwargs that need special treatment. e.g. ``**indexers_kwargs`` in isel Returns ------- dict of kwargs with fully rewritten values. """ updates: dict = {} # allow multiple return values here. # these are valid for .sel, .isel, .coarsen all_mappers = ChainMap( # type: ignore[misc] key_mappers, dict.fromkeys(var_kws, (_get_all,)), ) for key in set(all_mappers) & set(kwargs): value = kwargs[key] mappers = all_mappers[key] value = always_iterable(value) if isinstance(value, dict): # this for things like isel where **kwargs captures things like T=5 # .sel, .isel, .rolling # Account for multiple names matching the key. # e.g. .isel(X=5) → .isel(xi_rho=5, xi_u=5, xi_v=5, xi_psi=5) # where xi_* have attrs["axis"] = "X" updates[key] = ChainMap( *( dict.fromkeys( apply_mapper(mappers, self._obj, k, False, [k]), v ) for k, v in value.items() ) ) elif value is Ellipsis: pass else: # things like sum which have dim newvalue = [ apply_mapper(mappers, self._obj, v, error=False, default=[v]) for v in value ] # Mappers return list by default # for input dim=["lat", "X"], newvalue=[["lat"], ["lon"]], # so we deal with that here. unpacked = list(itertools.chain(*newvalue)) if len(unpacked) == 1: # handle 'group' updates[key] = unpacked[0] else: updates[key] = unpacked kwargs.update(updates) # TODO: is there a way to merge this with above? # maybe the keys we are looking for are in kwargs. # For example, this happens with DataArray.plot(), # where the signature is obscured and kwargs is # kwargs = {"x": "X", "col": "T"} for vkw in var_kws: if vkw in kwargs: maybe_update = { k: apply_mapper( key_mappers[k], self._obj, v, error=False, default=[v] )[0] for k, v in kwargs[vkw].items() if k in key_mappers } kwargs[vkw].update(maybe_update) return kwargs
def __getattr__(self, attr): return _getattr( obj=self._obj, attr=attr, accessor=self, key_mappers=_DEFAULT_KEY_MAPPERS, wrap_classes=True, ) def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: """ Check whether item is a valid key for indexing with .cf """ return item in self.keys() @property def plot(self): """ Extended version of regular ``.plot``. See Also -------- Dataset.plot """ return _CFWrappedPlotMethods(self._obj, self)
[docs] def describe(self): """ Print a string repr to screen. """ emit_user_level_warning( "'' will be removed in a future version. " "Use instead 'repr(' or '' in a Jupyter environment.", DeprecationWarning, ) print(repr(self))
def __repr__(self): return ("".join(self._generate_repr(rich=False))).rstrip() def __rich__(self): from rich.console import Group return Group(*self._generate_repr(rich=True))
[docs] def _generate_repr(self, rich=False): dims = self._obj.dims coords = self._obj.coords # if self._obj._attrs: # conventions = self._obj.attrs.pop("Conventions", None) # if conventions: # yield _format_conventions(conventions, rich) if isinstance(self._obj, DataArray) and yield _maybe_panel( _format_flags(self, rich), title="Flag Variable", rich=rich ) roles = self.cf_roles if roles: if any(role in roles for role in _DSG_ROLES): yield _maybe_panel( _format_dsg_roles(self, dims, rich), title="Discrete Sampling Geometry", rich=rich, ) if "grid_topology" in self.cf_roles: axes = sgrid.parse_axes(self._obj) yield _maybe_panel( _format_sgrid(self, axes, rich), title="SGRID", rich=rich, ) yield _maybe_panel( _format_coordinates(self, dims, coords, rich), title="Coordinates", rich=rich, ) if isinstance(self._obj, Dataset): yield _maybe_panel( _format_data_vars(self, self._obj.data_vars, rich), title="Data Variables", rich=rich, )
[docs] def keys(self) -> set[Hashable]: """ Utility function that returns valid keys for .cf[]. This is useful for checking whether a key is valid for indexing, i.e. that the attributes necessary to allow indexing by that key exist. Returns ------- set Set of valid key names that can be used with __getitem__ or .cf[key]. """ varnames = list(self.axes) + list(self.coordinates) varnames.extend(list(self.cell_measures)) varnames.extend(list(self.standard_names)) varnames.extend(list(self.cf_roles)) if isinstance(self._obj, xr.Dataset): varnames.extend(list(self.grid_mapping_names)) else: try: gmname = self.grid_mapping_name varnames.extend(list(gmname)) except ValueError: pass return set(varnames)
@property def axes(self) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping valid Axis standard names for ``.cf[]`` to variable names. This is useful for checking whether a key is valid for indexing, i.e. that the attributes necessary to allow indexing by that key exist. However, it will only return the Axis names ``("X", "Y", "Z", "T")`` present in ``.coords``, not in ``.data_vars``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with keys that can be used with ``__getitem__`` or as ``.cf[key]``. Keys will be the appropriate subset of ("X", "Y", "Z", "T"). Values are lists of variable names that match that particular key. """ vardict = {key: _get_coords(self._obj, key) for key in _AXIS_NAMES} return {k: sort_maybe_hashable(v) for k, v in vardict.items() if v} @property def coordinates(self) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping valid Coordinate standard names for ``.cf[]`` to variable names. This is useful for checking whether a key is valid for indexing, i.e. that the attributes necessary to allow indexing by that key exist. However, it will only return the Coordinate names ``("latitude", "longitude", "vertical", "time")`` present in ``.coords``, not in ``.data_vars``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of valid Coordinate names that can be used with ``__getitem__`` or ``.cf[key]``. Keys will be the appropriate subset of ``("latitude", "longitude", "vertical", "time")``. Values are lists of variable names that match that particular key. """ vardict = {key: _get_coords(self._obj, key) for key in _COORD_NAMES} return {k: sort_maybe_hashable(v) for k, v in vardict.items() if v} @property def cell_measures(self) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping valid cell measure standard names for ``.cf[]`` to variable names. This is useful for checking whether a key is valid for indexing, i.e. that the attributes necessary to allow indexing by that key exist. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of valid cell measure names that can be used with ``__getitem__`` or ``.cf[key]``. """ obj = self._obj all_attrs = [ ChainMap(da.attrs, da.encoding).get("cell_measures", "") for da in obj.coords.values() ] if isinstance(obj, DataArray): all_attrs += [ChainMap(obj.attrs, obj.encoding).get("cell_measures", "")] elif isinstance(obj, Dataset): all_attrs += [ ChainMap(da.attrs, da.encoding).get("cell_measures", "") for da in obj.data_vars.values() ] as_dataset = self._maybe_to_dataset().reset_coords() keys = {} for attr in set(all_attrs): try: keys.update(parse_cell_methods_attr(attr)) except ValueError: bad_vars = list( as_dataset.filter_by_attrs(cell_measures=attr).data_vars.keys() ) emit_user_level_warning( f"Ignoring bad cell_measures attribute: {attr} on {bad_vars}.", UserWarning, ) measures = { key: self._drop_missing_variables(_get_all(self._obj, key)) for key in keys } return {k: sort_maybe_hashable(set(v)) for k, v in measures.items() if v} @property def standard_names(self) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping standard names to variable names. Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping standard names to variable names. """ if isinstance(self._obj, Dataset): variables = self._obj._variables elif isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): variables = self._obj._coords vardict: dict[str, list[Hashable]] = {} for k, v in variables.items(): if "standard_name" in v.attrs: std_name = v.attrs["standard_name"] vardict[std_name] = vardict.setdefault(std_name, []) + [k] return {std: sort_maybe_hashable(v) for std, v in vardict.items()} @property def cf_roles(self) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping cf_role names to variable names. Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping cf_role names to variable names. References ---------- Please refer to the CF conventions document : Examples -------- >>> import cf_xarray >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import dsg >>> {'profile_id': ['profile'], 'trajectory_id': ['trajectory']} """ if isinstance(self._obj, Dataset): variables = self._obj._variables elif isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): variables = self._obj._coords vardict: dict[str, list[Hashable]] = {} for k, v in variables.items(): if "cf_role" in v.attrs: role = v.attrs["cf_role"] vardict[role] = vardict.setdefault(role, []) + [k] return {role_: sort_maybe_hashable(v) for role_, v in vardict.items()}
[docs] def get_associated_variable_names( self, name: Hashable, skip_bounds: bool = False, error: bool = True ) -> dict[str, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping a list of variable names referred to in the appropriate attribute. Includes: 1. "ancillary_variables" 2. "bounds" 3. "cell_measures" 4. "coordinates" 5. "grid_mapping" 6. "grid" Parameters ---------- name : Hashable skip_bounds : bool, optional error : bool, optional Raise or ignore errors. Returns ------- names : dict Dictionary with keys "ancillary_variables", "cell_measures", "coordinates", "bounds", "grid_mapping", "grid". """ keys = [ "ancillary_variables", "cell_measures", "coordinates", "bounds", "grid_mapping", "grid", ] coords: dict[str, list[Hashable]] = {k: [] for k in keys} attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(self._obj[name].attrs, self._obj[name].encoding) coordinates = attrs_or_encoding.get("coordinates", None) # Handles case where the coordinates attribute is None # This is used to tell xarray to not write a coordinates attribute if coordinates: coords["coordinates"] = coordinates.split(" ") if "cell_measures" in attrs_or_encoding: try: coords["cell_measures"] = list( parse_cell_methods_attr(attrs_or_encoding["cell_measures"]).values() ) except ValueError as e: if error: msg = e.args[0] + " Ignore this error by passing 'error=False'" raise ValueError(msg) from None else: emit_user_level_warning( f"Ignoring bad cell_measures attribute: {attrs_or_encoding['cell_measures']}", UserWarning, ) coords["cell_measures"] = [] if ( isinstance(self._obj, Dataset) and "ancillary_variables" in attrs_or_encoding ): coords["ancillary_variables"] = attrs_or_encoding[ "ancillary_variables" ].split(" ") if not skip_bounds: if "bounds" in attrs_or_encoding: coords["bounds"] = [attrs_or_encoding["bounds"]] for dim in self._obj[name].dims: dbounds = self._obj[dim].attrs.get("bounds", None) if dbounds: coords["bounds"].append(dbounds) if "grid" in attrs_or_encoding: coords["grid"] = [attrs_or_encoding["grid"]] if "grid_mapping" in attrs_or_encoding: coords["grid_mapping"] = [attrs_or_encoding["grid_mapping"]] allvars = itertools.chain(*coords.values()) missing = set(allvars) - set(self._maybe_to_dataset()._variables) if missing: if OPTIONS["warn_on_missing_variables"]: emit_user_level_warning( f"Variables {missing!r} not found in object but are referred to in the CF attributes.", UserWarning, ) for k, v in coords.items(): for m in missing: if m in v: v.remove(m) coords[k] = v return coords
[docs] def _maybe_to_dataset(self, obj=None) -> Dataset: if obj is None: obj = self._obj if isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): return obj._to_temp_dataset() else: return obj
[docs] def _maybe_to_dataarray(self, obj=None): if obj is None: obj = self._obj if isinstance(self._obj, DataArray): return self._obj._from_temp_dataset(obj) else: return obj
[docs] def rename_like( self, other: DataArray | Dataset, skip: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> DataArray | Dataset: """ Rename variables in object to match names of like-variables in ``other``. "Likeness" is determined by variables sharing similar attributes. If cf_xarray can identify a single "longitude" variable in both this object and ``other``, that variable will be renamed to match the "longitude" variable in ``other``. For now, this function only matches ``("latitude", "longitude", "vertical", "time")`` Parameters ---------- other : DataArray, Dataset Variables will be renamed to match variable names in this xarray object. skip : str, Iterable[str], optional Limit the renaming excluding ("axes", "bounds", cell_measures", "coordinates", "standard_names") or a subset thereof. Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset With renamed variables. """ if skip is None: skip_iter = [] elif isinstance(skip, str): skip_iter = [skip] else: skip_iter = list(skip) ourkeys = self.keys() theirkeys = good_keys = ourkeys & theirkeys keydict = {} for key in good_keys: ours = set(apply_mapper(_get_all, self._obj, key)) theirs = set(apply_mapper(_get_all, other, key)) for attr in skip_iter: ours.difference_update(getattr(self, attr).get(key, [])) theirs.difference_update(getattr(, attr).get(key, [])) if ours and theirs: keydict[key] = dict(ours=list(ours), theirs=list(theirs)) def get_renamer_and_conflicts(keydict): conflicts = {} for k0, v0 in keydict.items(): if len(v0["ours"]) > 1 or len(v0["theirs"]) > 1: conflicts[k0] = v0 continue for v1 in keydict.values(): # Conflicts have same ours but different theirs or vice versa if (v0["ours"] == v1["ours"]) != (v0["theirs"] == v1["theirs"]): conflicts[k0] = v0 break renamer = { v["ours"][0]: v["theirs"][0] for k, v in keydict.items() if k not in conflicts and v["ours"][0] != v["theirs"][0] } return renamer, conflicts # Run get_renamer_and_conflicts twice. # The second time add the bounds associated with variables to rename renamer, conflicts = get_renamer_and_conflicts(keydict) if "bounds" not in skip_iter: for k, v in renamer.items(): ours = set(getattr(self, "bounds", {}).get(k, [])) theirs = set(getattr(, "bounds", {}).get(v, [])) if ours and theirs: ours.update(keydict.get(k, {}).get("ours", [])) theirs.update(keydict.get(k, {}).get("theirs", [])) keydict[k] = dict(ours=list(ours), theirs=list(theirs)) renamer, conflicts = get_renamer_and_conflicts(keydict) # Rename and warn if conflicts: emit_user_level_warning( "Conflicting variables skipped:\n" + "\n".join( [ f"{sorted(v['ours'])}: {sorted(v['theirs'])} ({k})" for k, v in sorted( conflicts.items(), key=lambda item: sorted(item[1]["ours"]) ) ] ), UserWarning, ) newobj = self._obj.rename(renamer) # rename variable names in the attributes # if present ds = self._maybe_to_dataset(newobj) for _, variable in ds.variables.items(): for attr in ("bounds", "coordinates", "cell_measures"): if attr == "cell_measures": varlist = [ f"{k}: {renamer.get(v, v)}" for k, v in parse_cell_methods_attr( variable.attrs.get(attr, "") ).items() ] else: varlist = [ renamer.get(var, var) for var in variable.attrs.get(attr, "").split() ] if varlist: variable.attrs[attr] = " ".join(varlist) return self._maybe_to_dataarray(ds)
[docs] def guess_coord_axis(self, verbose: bool = False) -> DataArray | Dataset: """ Automagically guesses X, Y, Z, T, latitude, longitude, and adds appropriate attributes. Uses regexes from Metpy and inspired by Iris function of same name. Existing attributes will not be modified. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Print extra info to screen. Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset With appropriate attributes added. """ obj = self._obj.copy(deep=False) for var in obj.coords.variables: var_is_coord = any(var in val for val in if not var_is_coord and obj[var].ndim == 1 and _is_datetime_like(obj[var]): if verbose: print( f"I think {var!r} is of type 'time'. It has a datetime-like type." ) obj[var].attrs = dict(ChainMap(obj[var].attrs, ATTRS["time"])) continue # prevent second detection for name, pattern in regex.items(): var_is_axis = any(var in val for val in var_is_coord = any(var in val for val in if (name in _AXIS_NAMES and var_is_axis) or ( name in _COORD_NAMES and var_is_coord ): continue # skip known axes/coordinates and prevent multiple guesses # match variable names if pattern.match(var.lower()): if verbose: print( f"I think {var!r} is of type {name!r}. It matched {pattern!r}" ) obj[var].attrs = dict(ChainMap(obj[var].attrs, ATTRS[name])) return obj
[docs] def drop(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "cf-xarray does not support .drop." "Please use .cf.drop_vars or .cf.drop_sel as appropriate." )
[docs] def stack(self, dimensions=None, **dimensions_kwargs): # stack needs to rewrite the _values_ of a dict # our other machinery rewrites the _keys_ of a dict # This seems somewhat rare, so do it explicitly for now if dimensions is None: dimensions = dimensions_kwargs for key, values in dimensions.items(): updates = [ apply_mapper( (_single(_get_dims),), self._obj, v, error=True, default=[v] ) for v in values ] dimensions.update({key: tuple(itertools.chain(*updates))}) return self._obj.stack(dimensions)
[docs] def differentiate( self, coord, *xr_args, positive_upward: bool = False, **xr_kwargs ): # numpydoc ignore=PR01 """ Differentiate an xarray object. Parameters ---------- coord : Hashable The coordinate used to compute the gradient. positive_upward : optional, bool Change sign of the derivative based on the ``"positive"`` attribute of ``coord`` so that positive values indicate increasing upward. If ``positive=="down"``, then multiplied by -1. Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset Differentiated object. See Also -------- xarray.DataArray.differentiate : Underlying xarray function. xarray.Dataset.differentiate : Underlying xarray function. Notes ----- ``xr_args``, ``xr_kwargs`` are passed directly to the underlying xarray function. """ coord = apply_mapper( (_single(_get_coords),), self._obj, coord, error=False, default=[coord] )[0] result = self._obj.differentiate(coord, *xr_args, **xr_kwargs) if positive_upward: coord = self._obj[coord] attrs = coord.attrs if "positive" not in attrs: raise ValueError( f"positive_upward=True and 'positive' attribute not present on {}" ) if attrs["positive"] not in ["up", "down"]: raise ValueError( f"positive_upward=True and received attrs['positive']={attrs['positive']}. Expected one of ['up', 'down'] " ) if attrs["positive"] == "down": result *= -1 return result
[docs] def add_canonical_attributes( self, override: bool = False, skip: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] | None = None, verbose: bool = False, source=None, ) -> Dataset | DataArray: """ Add canonical CF attributes to variables with standard names. Attributes are parsed from the official CF standard name table [1]_. This function adds an entry to the "history" attribute. Parameters ---------- override : bool Override existing attributes. skip : str, iterable, optional Attribute(s) to skip: ``{"units", "grib", "amip", "description"}``. verbose : bool Print added attributes to screen. source : optional Path of `cf-standard-name-table.xml` or file object containing XML data. If ``None``, use the latest CF standard name table (requires ``pooch``). Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset With attributes added. Notes ----- The ``"units"`` attribute is never added to datetime-like variables. References ---------- .. [1] """ # Arguments to add to history args = ", ".join([f"{k!s}={v!r}" for k, v in locals().items() if k != "self"]) # Defaults skip_ = [skip] if isinstance(skip, Hashable) else (skip or []) # Parse table info, table, aliases = parse_cf_standard_name_table(source) # Loop over standard names ds = self._maybe_to_dataset().copy(deep=False) attrs_to_print: dict = {} for std_name, var_names in # Loop over variable names for var_name in var_names: old_attrs = ds[var_name].attrs std_name = aliases.get(std_name, std_name) new_attrs = table.get(std_name, {}) # Loop over attributes for key, value in new_attrs.items(): if ( value and key not in skip_ and (override or key not in old_attrs) ): # Don't add units to time variables (e.g., datetime64, ...) if key == "units" and _is_datetime_like(ds[var_name]): continue # Add attribute ds[var_name].attrs[key] = value # Build verbose dictionary if verbose: attrs_to_print.setdefault(var_name, {}) attrs_to_print[var_name][key] = value if verbose: # Info strings = ["CF Standard Name Table info:"] for key, value in info.items(): strings.append(f"- {key}: {value}") # Attributes added strings.append("\nAttributes added:") for varname, attrs in attrs_to_print.items(): strings.append(f"- {varname}:") for key, value in attrs.items(): strings.append(f" * {key}: {value}") strings.append("") print("\n".join(strings)) # Prepend history now = method_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] version = _get_version() table_version = info["version_number"] history = ( f"{now}:" f" cf.{method_name}({args})" f" [cf-xarray {version}, cf-standard-name-table {table_version}]\n" ) obj = self._maybe_to_dataarray(ds) obj.attrs["history"] = history + obj.attrs.get("history", "") return obj
@xr.register_dataset_accessor("cf") class CFDatasetAccessor(CFAccessor): def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable]) -> DataArray | Dataset: """ Index into a Dataset making use of CF attributes. Parameters ---------- key : str, Iterable[str], optional One of - axes names: "X", "Y", "Z", "T" - coordinate names: "longitude", "latitude", "vertical", "time" - cell measures: "area", "volume", or other names present in the \ ``cell_measures`` attribute - standard names: names present in ``standard_name`` attribute - cf roles: 'timeseries_id', 'profile_id', 'trajectory_id', 'mesh_topology', 'grid_topology' - grid mappings: 'grid_mapping' or a grid_mapping_name like 'rotated_latitude_longitude' Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset ``[str]`` will return a DataArray, \ ``[List[str]]``` will return a Dataset. Notes ----- In all cases, associated CF variables will be attached as coordinate variables by parsing attributes such as ``bounds``, ``ancillary_variables``, etc. ``bounds`` variables will not be attached when a DataArray is returned. This is a limitation of the xarray data model. Add additional keys by specifying "custom criteria". See :ref:`custom_criteria` for more. """ return _getitem(self, key) @property def formula_terms(self) -> dict[Hashable, dict[str, str]]: # numpydoc ignore=SS06 """ Mapping the parametric coordinate's name to a dictionary that maps "standard term names" to actual variable names. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of the form ``{parametric_coord_name: {standard_term_name: variable_name}}`` References ---------- Please refer to the CF conventions document : 1. 2. Examples -------- >>> import cf_xarray >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import romsds The ``s_rho`` DataArray is an example of a parametric vertical coordinate. >>> romsds.s_rho <xarray.DataArray 's_rho' (s_rho: 30)> array([-0.983333, -0.95 , -0.916667, -0.883333, -0.85 , -0.816667, -0.783333, -0.75 , -0.716667, -0.683333, -0.65 , -0.616667, -0.583333, -0.55 , -0.516667, -0.483333, -0.45 , -0.416667, -0.383333, -0.35 , -0.316667, -0.283333, -0.25 , -0.216667, -0.183333, -0.15 , -0.116667, -0.083333, -0.05 , -0.016667]) Coordinates: * s_rho (s_rho) float64 -0.9833 -0.95 -0.9167 ... -0.05 -0.01667 hc float64 20.0 h float64 603.9 Vtransform float64 2.0 Cs_r (s_rho) float64 -0.933 -0.8092 -0.6988 ... -0.0005206 -5.758e-05 Attributes: long_name: S-coordinate at RHO-points valid_min: -1.0 valid_max: 0.0 standard_name: ocean_s_coordinate_g2 formula_terms: s: s_rho C: Cs_r eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc field: s_rho, scalar Now access the formula terms >>> {'s_rho': {'s': 's_rho', 'C': 'Cs_r', 'eta': 'zeta', 'depth': 'h', 'depth_c': 'hc'}} """ results = {} for dim in _get_dims(self._obj, "Z"): terms = self._obj[dim].cf.formula_terms variables = self._drop_missing_variables(list(terms.values())) terms_dict: dict[str, str] = { key: val for key, val in terms.items() if val in variables } if terms_dict: results[dim] = terms_dict return results @property def bounds(self) -> dict[Hashable, list[Hashable]]: """ Mapping keys to the variable names of their bounds. Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping keys to the variable names of their bounds. See Also -------- Examples -------- >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import mollwds >>> {'lat': ['lat_bounds'], 'latitude': ['lat_bounds'], 'lon': ['lon_bounds'], 'longitude': ['lon_bounds']} """ obj = self._obj keys = self.keys() | set(obj.variables) vardict = { key: self._drop_missing_variables( apply_mapper(_get_bounds, obj, key, error=False) ) for key in keys } return {k: sort_maybe_hashable(v) for k, v in vardict.items() if v} def get_bounds(self, key: Hashable) -> DataArray | Dataset: """ Get bounds variable corresponding to key. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of variable whose bounds are desired. Returns ------- DataArray Representing bounds. """ results = self[[key]].cf.bounds.get(key, []) if not results: raise KeyError(f"No results found for {key!r}.") return self._obj[results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results] def get_bounds_dim_name(self, key: Hashable) -> Hashable: """ Get bounds dim name for variable corresponding to key. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of variable whose bounds dimension name is desired. Returns ------- str Name of dim. """ # In many cases, the bounds variable has the same attrs as the coordinate variable # So multiple matches are possible. crd_names = apply_mapper(_get_all, self._obj, key, error=False, default=[key]) variables = self._obj._variables filtered = [ crd_name for crd_name in crd_names if "bounds" in variables[crd_name].attrs ] if len(filtered) > 1: raise KeyError( f"Received multiple matches for {key!r} that have a bounds attribute: {filtered!r} " ) (crd_name,) = filtered crd = variables[crd_name] crd_attrs = crd._attrs if crd_attrs is None or "bounds" not in crd_attrs: raise KeyError(f"No bounds variable found for {key!r}") bounds = variables[crd_attrs["bounds"].strip()] bounds_dims = set(bounds.dims) - set(crd.dims) assert len(bounds_dims) == 1 bounds_dim = bounds_dims.pop() assert bounds.sizes[bounds_dim] in [2, 4] return bounds_dim def add_bounds( self, keys: str | Iterable[str], *, dim: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, output_dim: str = "bounds", ): """ Create a new object with bounds variables. The bounds values are guessed assuming equal spacing on either side of a coordinate label. The linear estimation is only a coarse approximation, especially 2D bounds on curvilinear grids. It is always better to use bounds generated as part of the grid creation process. This method is purely for convenience. Parameters ---------- keys : str or Iterable[str] Either a single variable name or a list of variable names. dim : str or Iterable[str], optional Core dimension(s) along which to estimate bounds. For 2D bounds, it can be a list of 2 dimension names. output_dim : str The name of the bounds dimension to add. Returns ------- DataArray or Dataset With bounds variables added and appropriate "bounds" attribute set. Raises ------ KeyError Notes ----- The bounds variables are automatically named ``f"{var}_bounds"`` where ``var`` is a variable name. Examples -------- >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import airds >>> {} >>> updated ="time") >>> {'T': ['time_bounds'], 'time': ['time_bounds']} """ if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] variables = set() for key in keys: variables.update( apply_mapper(_get_all, self._obj, key, error=False, default=[key]) ) obj = self._maybe_to_dataset(self._obj.copy(deep=False)) bad_vars: set[str] = variables - set(obj.variables) if bad_vars: msg = f"{bad_vars!r} are not variables in the underlying object." dims_no_idx = bad_vars.intersection(obj.dims) if dims_no_idx: msg += f" {dims_no_idx!r} are dimensions with no index." raise ValueError(msg) for var in variables: bname = f"{var}_bounds" if bname in obj.variables: raise ValueError(f"Bounds variable name {bname!r} will conflict!") out = _guess_bounds( obj[var].reset_coords(drop=True), dim=dim, out_dim=output_dim ) if output_dim in obj.dims and (new := out[output_dim].size) != ( old := obj[output_dim].size ): raise ValueError( f"The `{output_dim}` dimension already exists but has a different length than the new one " f"({old} vs {new}). Please provide another bound dimension name with `output_dim`." ) obj.coords[bname] = out obj[var].attrs["bounds"] = bname return self._maybe_to_dataarray(obj) def bounds_to_vertices( self, keys: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] | None = None, order: str | None = "counterclockwise", ) -> Dataset: """ Convert bounds variable to vertices. There 2 covered cases: - 1D coordinates, with bounds of shape (N, 2), converted to vertices of shape (N+1,) - 2D coordinates, with bounds of shape (N, M, 4). converted to vertices of shape (N+1, M+1). Parameters ---------- keys : str or Iterable[str], optional The names of the variables whose bounds are to be converted to vertices. If not given, converts all available bounds within order : {'counterclockwise', 'clockwise', None} Valid for 2D coordinates only (bounds of shape (N, M, 4), ignored otherwise. Order the bounds are given in, assuming that ax0-ax1-upward is a right handed coordinate system, where ax0 and ax1 are the two first dimensions of the variable. If None, the counterclockwise version is computed and then verified. If the check fails the clockwise version is returned. Returns ------- Dataset Copy of the dataset with added vertices variables. Either of shape (N+1,) or (N+1, M+1). New vertex dimensions are named from the initial dimension and suffix "_vertices". Variables with similar names are overwritten. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the keys given doesn't corresponds to existing bounds. Notes ----- Getting the correct axes "order" is tricky. There are no real standards for dimension names or even axes order, even though the CF conventions mentions the ax0-ax1-upward (counterclockwise bounds) as being the default. Moreover, xarray can tranpose data without raising any warning or error, which make attributes unreliable. References ---------- Please refer to the CF conventions document : """ if keys is None: coords = tuple(self.keys()) elif isinstance(keys, Hashable): coords = (keys,) else: coords = tuple(keys) obj = self._maybe_to_dataset(self._obj.copy(deep=False)) for coord in coords: try: bounds = self.get_bounds(coord) except KeyError as exc: if keys is not None: raise ValueError( f"vertices are computed from bounds but given key {coord} did not correspond to existing bounds." ) from exc else: assert isinstance(bounds, DataArray) name = f"{self[coord].name}_vertices" obj = obj.assign( # Overwrite any variable with the same name. { name: bounds_to_vertices( bounds, bounds_dim=list(set(bounds.dims) - set(self[coord].dims))[ 0 ], order=order, ) } ) return obj @property def grid_mapping_names(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """ Mapping the CF grid mapping name to the grid mapping variable name. Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping the CF grid mapping name to the variable name containing the grid mapping attributes. See Also -------- References ---------- Please refer to the CF conventions document : For a list of valid grid_mapping names, refer to: Examples -------- >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import rotds >>> {'rotated_latitude_longitude': ['rotated_pole']} """ obj = self._obj keys = set(obj.variables) vardict = { key: obj.variables[key].attrs["grid_mapping_name"] for key in keys if "grid_mapping_name" in obj.variables[key].attrs } results = {} for k, v in vardict.items(): if v not in results: results[v] = [k] else: results[v].append(k) return results def decode_vertical_coords(self, *, outnames=None, prefix=None): """ Decode parameterized vertical coordinates in place. Parameters ---------- outnames : dict, optional Keys of outnames are the input sigma/s coordinate variable name and the values are the name to use for the associated vertical coordinate. prefix : str, optional Prefix for newly created z variables. E.g. ``s_rho`` becomes ``z_rho``. Returns ------- None Modifies self inplace. See Also -------- Notes ----- Will only decode when the ``formula_terms`` and ``standard_name`` attributes are set on the parameter (e.g ``s_rho`` ) Currently only supports ``ocean_s_coordinate_g1``, ``ocean_s_coordinate_g2``, and ``ocean_sigma_coordinate``. .. warning:: Very lightly tested. Please double check the results. """ ds = self._obj requirements = { "ocean_s_coordinate_g1": {"depth_c", "depth", "s", "C", "eta"}, "ocean_s_coordinate_g2": {"depth_c", "depth", "s", "C", "eta"}, "ocean_sigma_coordinate": {"sigma", "eta", "depth"}, } allterms = self.formula_terms for dim in allterms: if prefix is None: assert ( outnames is not None ), "if prefix is None, outnames must be provided" # set outnames here try: zname = outnames[dim] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Your `outnames` need to include a key of `dim`." ) from None else: emit_user_level_warning( "`prefix` is being deprecated; use `outnames` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) suffix = dim.split("_") zname = f"{prefix}_" + "_".join(suffix[1:]) if "standard_name" not in ds[dim].attrs: continue stdname = ds[dim].attrs["standard_name"] # map "standard" formula term names to actual variable names terms = {} for key, value in allterms[dim].items(): if value not in ds: raise KeyError( f"Variable {value!r} is required to decode coordinate for {dim!r}" " but it is absent in the Dataset." ) terms[key] = ds[value] absent_terms = requirements[stdname] - set(terms) if absent_terms: raise KeyError(f"Required terms {absent_terms} absent in dataset.") if stdname == "ocean_s_coordinate_g1": # S(k,j,i) = depth_c * s(k) + (depth(j,i) - depth_c) * C(k) S = ( terms["depth_c"] * terms["s"] + (terms["depth"] - terms["depth_c"]) * terms["C"] ) # z(n,k,j,i) = S(k,j,i) + eta(n,j,i) * (1 + S(k,j,i) / depth(j,i)) ztemp = S + terms["eta"] * (1 + S / terms["depth"]) elif stdname == "ocean_s_coordinate_g2": # make sure all necessary terms are present in terms # (depth_c * s(k) + depth(j,i) * C(k)) / (depth_c + depth(j,i)) S = (terms["depth_c"] * terms["s"] + terms["depth"] * terms["C"]) / ( terms["depth_c"] + terms["depth"] ) # z(n,k,j,i) = eta(n,j,i) + (eta(n,j,i) + depth(j,i)) * S(k,j,i) ztemp = terms["eta"] + (terms["eta"] + terms["depth"]) * S elif stdname == "ocean_sigma_coordinate": # z(n,k,j,i) = eta(n,j,i) + sigma(k)*(depth(j,i)+eta(n,j,i)) ztemp = terms["eta"] + terms["sigma"] * (terms["depth"] + terms["eta"]) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Coordinate function for {stdname!r} not implemented yet. Contributions welcome!" ) ds.coords[zname] = ztemp @xr.register_dataarray_accessor("cf") class CFDataArrayAccessor(CFAccessor): @property def formula_terms(self) -> dict[str, str]: # numpydoc ignore=SS06 """ Mapping the parametric coordinate's name to a dictionary that maps "standard term names" to actual variable names. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of the form ``{parametric_coord_name: {standard_term_name: variable_name}}`` References ---------- Please refer to the CF conventions document : 1. 2. Examples -------- >>> import cf_xarray >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import romsds The ``s_rho`` DataArray is an example of a parametric vertical coordinate. >>> romsds.s_rho <xarray.DataArray 's_rho' (s_rho: 30)> array([-0.983333, -0.95 , -0.916667, -0.883333, -0.85 , -0.816667, -0.783333, -0.75 , -0.716667, -0.683333, -0.65 , -0.616667, -0.583333, -0.55 , -0.516667, -0.483333, -0.45 , -0.416667, -0.383333, -0.35 , -0.316667, -0.283333, -0.25 , -0.216667, -0.183333, -0.15 , -0.116667, -0.083333, -0.05 , -0.016667]) Coordinates: * s_rho (s_rho) float64 -0.9833 -0.95 -0.9167 ... -0.05 -0.01667 hc float64 20.0 h float64 603.9 Vtransform float64 2.0 Cs_r (s_rho) float64 -0.933 -0.8092 -0.6988 ... -0.0005206 -5.758e-05 Attributes: long_name: S-coordinate at RHO-points valid_min: -1.0 valid_max: 0.0 standard_name: ocean_s_coordinate_g2 formula_terms: s: s_rho C: Cs_r eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc field: s_rho, scalar Now access the formula terms >>> {'s': 's_rho', 'C': 'Cs_r', 'eta': 'zeta', 'depth': 'h', 'depth_c': 'hc'} """ da = self._obj if "formula_terms" not in ChainMap(da.attrs, da.encoding): var = da[_single(_get_dims)(da, "Z")[0]] else: var = da terms = {} formula_terms = ChainMap(var.attrs, var.encoding).get("formula_terms", "") for mapping in re.sub(r"\s*:\s*", ":", formula_terms).split(): key, value = mapping.split(":") terms[key] = value return terms @property def grid_mapping_name(self) -> str: """ CF grid mapping name associated with this variable. Returns ------- str CF Name of the associated grid mapping. See Also -------- Examples -------- >>> from cf_xarray.datasets import rotds >>>["temp"].cf.grid_mapping_name 'rotated_latitude_longitude' """ da = self._obj attrs_or_encoding = ChainMap(da.attrs, da.encoding) grid_mapping = attrs_or_encoding.get("grid_mapping", None) if not grid_mapping: raise ValueError("No 'grid_mapping' attribute present.") if grid_mapping not in da._coords: raise ValueError(f"Grid Mapping variable {grid_mapping} not present.") grid_mapping_var = da[grid_mapping] return grid_mapping_var.attrs["grid_mapping_name"] def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable]) -> DataArray: """ Index into a DataArray making use of CF attributes. Parameters ---------- key : str, Iterable[str], optional One of - axes names: "X", "Y", "Z", "T" - coordinate names: "longitude", "latitude", "vertical", "time" - cell measures: "area", "volume", or other names present in the \ ``cell_measures`` attribute - standard names: names present in ``standard_name`` attribute of \ coordinate variables - cf roles: 'timeseries_id', 'profile_id', 'trajectory_id', 'mesh_topology', 'grid_topology' - grid mappings: 'grid_mapping' or a grid_mapping_name like 'rotated_latitude_longitude' Returns ------- DataArray At index key. Raises ------ KeyError ``[List[str]]`` will raise KeyError. Notes ----- Associated CF variables will be attached as coordinate variables by parsing attributes such as ``cell_measures``, ``coordinates`` etc. Add additional keys by specifying "custom criteria". See :ref:`custom_criteria` for more. """ if not isinstance(key, Hashable): raise KeyError( f"Cannot use an Iterable of keys with DataArrays. Expected a single string. Received {key!r} instead." ) return _getitem(self, key) @property def flags(self) -> Dataset: """ Dataset containing boolean masks of available flags. """ return self._extract_flags() def _extract_flags(self, flags: Sequence[Hashable] | None = None) -> Dataset: """ Return dataset of boolean mask(s) corresponding to `flags`. Parameters ---------- flags: Sequence[str] Flags to extract. If empty (string or list), return all flags in `flag_meanings`. """ # TODO cache this property flag_dict = create_flag_dict(self._obj) if flags is None: flags = tuple(flag_dict.keys()) out = {} # Output arrays masks = [] # Bitmasks and values for asked flags values = [] flags_reduced = [] # Flags left after removing mutually excl. flags for flag in flags: if flag not in flag_dict: raise ValueError( f"Did not find flag value meaning [{flag}] in known flag meanings:" f" [{flag_dict.keys()!r}]" ) mask, value = flag_dict[flag] if mask is None: out[flag] = self._obj == value else: masks.append(mask) values.append(value) flags_reduced.append(flag) if len(masks) > 0: # If independant masks are left # We cast both masks and flag variable as integers to make the # bitwise comparison. We could probably restrict the integer size # but it's difficult to make it safely for mixed type flags. bit_mask = DataArray(masks, dims=["_mask"]).astype("i") x = self._obj.astype("i") bit_comp = x & bit_mask for i, (flag, value) in enumerate(zip(flags_reduced, values)): bit = bit_comp.isel(_mask=i) if value is not None: out[flag] = bit == value else: out[flag] = bit.astype(bool) return Dataset(out) def isin(self, test_elements): """ Test each value in the array for whether it is in test_elements. Parameters ---------- test_elements : array_like, 1D The values against which to test each value of `element`. Returns ------- DataArray Has the same type and shape as this object, but with a bool dtype. """ flags_masks = self.flags.drop_vars( [v for v in self.flags.data_vars if v not in test_elements] ) if len(flags_masks) == 0: out = self.copy().astype(bool) out.attrs = {} out[:] = False return out # Merge into a single DataArray flags_masks = xr.concat(flags_masks.data_vars.values(), dim="_flags") return flags_masks.any(dim="_flags").rename( @property def is_flag_variable(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if the DataArray satisfies CF conventions for flag variables. Returns ------- bool """ if ( isinstance(self._obj, DataArray) and "flag_meanings" in self._obj.attrs and ("flag_values" in self._obj.attrs or "flag_masks" in self._obj.attrs) ): return True else: return False